Archive for the ‘New Technologies’ Category

Augmented Reality

7 March 2010

I was lucky enough to be in Devizes for an excellent presentation by Doug Dickinson (and sites you may never find) who used the BMW Z4 site to demonstrate augmented reality. First print off the ‘magic’ symbol, download the software, hold the symbol in front of your webcam and prepared to be amazed! You might also like to try the Toyota website too.

This same technology is being used on the Scimorph website in an attempt to present key stage 2 / 3 science topics in a more interesting and interactive way. Scimorph is 3D animated character who you can take through various activity areas which affect him in different ways, including exploring the effects of gravity. (Launch / Direct Gov News)

Video Editing

16 March 2009

If you have ever worked with digital video then you will have experienced some of the potential pitfalls. Will it playback? Why do you sometimes get sound but no images? Is it compatable with editing software such as Movie Maker? It has all been made so much easier with Format Factory. Once you have downloaded the free software from it will convert just about any format of video (within reason) into the type you want to work with. It is even able to cope with video taken with a mobile phone. In addition, Format Factory will also convert popular sound and pictures formats.


Thanks again ICT Nuggets 🙂

Digital Audio

18 November 2008

Recently, I have been working on a number of different projects using digital audio and have found some great tools for the job. These include the brilliant Easi-speak (below) from TTS, the free to download Audacity and the great podcasting tool Podium

Thanks to a post by Doug Dickinson on his blog dougmuses I can now also add Vocaroo to that list. It is such a simple way to quickly send a voice message. Listen to Doug explaining just how easy it is to use …. here


Using You Tube in Schools

9 July 2008

There are some great videos on You Tube along with some that would be inappropriate to be shown in schools, which is why the site is probably blocked in your school. To get around this I have been experimenting with three options to download useful videos at home so I can then use them in school. 

I bought Quivic from Wide Angle Software about a year ago for £10.11 (or $20!)  and have been very pleased with it. However, I have recently been investigating some free options. The first is Real Player. If you download the latest version (version 11) you can select the option to ‘enable the browser download button’ which roughly translated means you can then use it to download videos. There is a detailed helpsheet for doing this on the KentEd site. Alternatively, you could try kiss you tube, Splandoo or Zamzar which both offer free online file downloading. To use Zamzar, paste the URL of the video clip you want into the first box, choose the file format you require in the second and then add your email address this neat little website will convert the video and deliver to your inbox. If you choose the file format .flv you will then be able to import the video into a Smart notebook file.

Video clips are also available from BBC Learning Zone, Schools Tube and the SWGfL Media Gallery. Hopefully these aren’t blocked in school.



World War 1 Blog

27 January 2008

WW1: Experiences of an English Soldier is a wonderful example of a Blog. It is made up of transcripts of Harry Lamin’s letters from the first World War. The letters are published exactly 90 years to the day after they were written. To find out Harry’s fate, follow the blog!


We now have a Wiki!

24 July 2007

Working with colleagues in the South West we have put together a Wiki or collaborative website as a way of gathering together all we have found out about new Web 2.0 technologies such as blogging and podcasting, and how they can be used to support learning in a primary classroom.

It was very easy to set up a free PBwiki, and then add new pages and edit contributions.  If you would like to contribute to our wiki then please e-mail me for a password. However, If you just want to read what is on there so far, then follow the link to: 


The Studley Green Radio Show

15 July 2007

As promised in a previous post, the first broadcast of The Studley Green Radio Show has now been published. It includes an interview of head teacher Mr. Wigley and some great (their words not mine!) jokes. Of Podium’s 5 Ps, all the preparation, producing and performing was done by children in year 4 , all I had to do was type in the required password to publish and a little promoting. To listen click here or to subscribe to future broadcasts click here. Notes on how to subscribe to a podcast can be found below.


More Podcasting!

12 July 2007

The link below will allow you to listen to the first attempts at podcasting by a group of six Yr 3, 4 and 5 pupils from a Wiltshire Primary School.

After an initial input, they spent 1/2hr or so experimenting with the software, recording their voices, adding sound effects and editing the content. They then chose a play to record, allocated roles and rehearsed the script. Those not allocated speaking parts looked for suitable sound effects to add to their play. The group came back together to perform and record the play and then worked together on editing and adding sound effects. They wrote an introduction and ending and hey presto…we’re there!

Despite the challenging behavior sometimes displayed by some members of the group in other classroom situations, they remained focused, worked collaboratively, and were able to work together to overcome any problems and difficulties relating to the project. They respected the views and contributions of others and were supportive of each other and able to offer constructive criticisms to help the combined project. A review of the afternoon reflected the fun they had all had and their keenness to share their work with others.

After the initial input, the ICT became an invisible tool that allowed them to perform the tasks required to complete the project, this surely is where we want to be with ICT? I had a really good afternoon and so too, I believe, did the children who were delight to work with.

Please do listen and let us know your thoughts.You can subscribe to our podcast by copying the following hyperlink and pasting it into your favourite podcast player (e.g. iTunes).


First Attempt at Podcasting

25 June 2007

I had a great morning working with a small group of year 4 children and experimenting with podcasting. Using Podium by Softease it was really straight forward to record voices, add sound effects and music. The royalty free music came from the incompetech website.

I use apple’s itunes to collect and listen to podcasts which is free to download. Once itunes is installed and open, click on ‘Advanced’ and then ‘Subscribe to Podcast..’ Paste the following URL into the box to hear Sarah and Caitlin’s joke.

Next we hope to podcast a school radio show just like the wonderful shows already happening in Wiltshire at Fitzmaurice and St Marks Primary schools.


Web 2.0 Technologies

26 April 2007

This Blog is produced using a free wordpress template from

Other free blogging sites are available such as blogger and ethink which has been specifically set up for educational blogs.  However, if you prefer working outside a template you may be interested in a free tumblr blog:

If you are thinking about blogging in school there is lots of great advice and support on Bristol’s ICT Subject Leaders Blog:

To find out more about  developments in other online tools and new web 2.0 technologies it is well worth investigating: . 

The tools are categorised into areas of use and there is a short description of each. 

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