Archive for the ‘KS2’ Category

Easter Activities

26 March 2009

i-board regularly make a small selection of their resources available to teachers free of charge.  Currently contains 6 activities suitable for KS1 and early KS2.

They are free to use and you can also link to them from your website, Merlin and My First Place. They are creative, pattern making activities, some themed around Easter. Simply go to the library area of the URL provided and click  “Show All Activities”. Note: When you get to the launch screen of an activity it contains a “copy link” button and “download thumbnail” button to support easy creation of lessons in a Learning Platform.

If you would like to see all i-board resources go to free to register for a free trial


BBC Learning Zone

19 January 2008

Another great resource highlighted by Ictopus is the BBC learning Zone which:

“provides rich audio-visual material for use in primary and secondary schools and colleges. These short videos have been selected to match the curriculum; they can be used in many ways, from the stimulation and engagement of students to the delivery of very specific learning points. Try searching by subject and topic or by keyword”.
