Archive for the ‘MFL’ Category

Primary MFL Resources

13 June 2008

It was great to get a (2nd!) mention on the ictopus news blog this week. All the Primary MFL Resources from a recent ictopus sharing good practice newsletter along with others from a previous post have been put together on a new Primary MFL Resources page which is found under ‘Quick Links’ on the right hand side.


Topic Box

15 July 2007

Regular visitors to the Coxhoe Durham or Snaith Primary websites will appreciate just how useful it is to have all those online educational resources in one place. I have just read about a new one called Topic Box on the Little Miss Teacher blog and have been to have a look around. The brightly coloured and easy to navigate website aims to electronically replace those dusty old plastic storage boxes which look promising but generally fail to deliver. Already there are 2131 resources in 174 different topics which can be rated by anyone who downloads them. Tell your friends and let me know if you come across any other similar sites.

topic box


Interactive MFL Resources

3 February 2007

There are a whole host of links to free MFL resources on:

The best of which is probably the award winning ‘A Tantot’ website:

Aimed at KS2, it contains games and activities designed to improve French, German and Spanish.

The colourful activities of ‘Le Club Francais’ are also worth a look:

So too are the recently added and still growing BBC resources:
